About Us

What is GroupSkoop?


GroupSkoop.com is a community, but we're also a marketplace which offers consumers a variety of unique products and services, independently produced or provided by some of the worlds most talented individuals.


As most of you may know, this struggling economy has fueled creativity in many of our society members. Most of which have extraordinary talents and are looking for a way to earn additional income or are currently in search of any form of employment. They might be your friends, your family members, maybe even you! Bottom line, these individuals inspired us and we want you to be inspired too. Which is why we even created GroupSkoop.


GroupSkoop isn’t your typical group-buying site. We’re more like the next generation community driven marketplace where only the most interesting and creative independent artists, creators, writers, musicians, designers, programmers, and service providers can be seen, heard, and found offering a group of shoppers some incredible talents, at discounted prices.


At GroupSkoop We avoid offering large brands, mass-produced items or any household name products.


So, If you love shopping for rare goods or specialty services, or you have a unique talent to share with the world in exchange for a few new customers and some additional income, GroupSkoop’s for you! 



What is GroupSkoop?
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